Tiesitkö, että löydät kuukauden tarjoukset täältä. .

Teacher Training

In 2017 we started running courses for adults, mainly for Language teachers, since TRycamps' founder has plenty of experience of training teachers too (since 1998). Some of our courses are organized in Finland and some in England.

Private Language School from Finland

TRYcamps is a private language school (NGO, a Finnish company) that has been organizing language courses for pupils and students (9-19 years) since 2014.

You can join the courses if you fund them by yourself or your employer covers the fees – you can also apply for an Erasmus+ KA1 -funding from your national Erasmus agency.

The main focus areas of our courses are:

1. Upgrade your English skills with native English speakers.

2. Update modern pedagogical methods including ICL (tablets and smartphones) into your teaching and everyday lessons.

3. The secrets of the Finnish School System (PISA studies) and the Curriculum.

4. Learn more about the culture by visiting the city.

Welcome to TRYcamps!

Give it a TRY and Update & Upgrade the Way You Teach

Our Courses

Are you looking for new ideas on how to implement ICT into your Language lessons? Do you want to gain better speaking skills by talking with a Native English or German speaker?

Erasmus Funding

Check out our Erasmus+ KA1 -funding info - but don't forget your national agency's website for national details either!

Erasmus Funding

The funding covers nearly all of the necessary costs - the rest depends on your personal consumption habits and how cheap tickets you can find. The funding covers traveling, accommodation, meal and training expenses.
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Opettajien täydennyskoulutus

Haluatko tietää, kuinka tabletit ja kännykät muuttavat oppimista ja opettamista? Päivitä omat taitosi kurssillamme - niin pedagogiset kuin tvt:n hyödyntäminenkin!

Täydennyskoulutusta Suomessa

Tarjoamme koulutusteemoja selkokielestä tieto- ja viestintätekniikan opetuskäyttöön sekä kieltenopetukseen. Haluamme tutustuttaa osallistujia erilaisiin sovelluksiin, joiden avulla tuetaan oppijoiden omaa aktiivisuutta, luovempaa työskentelyotetta sekä lisätään motivaatiota kielten opiskeluun (Creative Learning -appsit).
Lue lisää

Contact us

Join us and take your teaching skills to the next level!

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Tilaa uutiskirjeemme alta, niin saat ensimmäisten joukossa tiedon kurssitarjouksistamme. Helppoa ja nopeaa!